Jan.10[Online Seminar]What is MBDGs?! HR Fundamental Mind Education for SDGs achievement.

An increasing number of educational innovators pay attention to MBDGs, which is the new standard for co-creation society, in the world.
MBDGs is
✓gathering attentions from those who aim the real sustainable development
✓systematically programmed education for the mind foundation building
✓getting to be the official curriculum for schools in some countries in the world
The advocate of MBDGs will hold an online seminar to answer the questions from educational innovators who are supporting SDGs in education.
2023.1.10 Tue
16時00分〜17時30分 Japan time!!
・Seminar in Japanese will be held on 11Jan.
・Understand what’s MBDGs.
・Understand what’s the mind foundation systematically built up.
・Understand what educatinoal innovators can do.
・Question and Answer
・Innovators in Education
・By Peatix form below or contact us.
▶Past Seminar and Workshop
Workshop for Executives.
For educators.
▶Mackey Hirano
Chief Chairman of MBDGs Japan
- Government appointed expert for mind-setting of citizens and tounrism related people to make Japan rich tourisum countriy
- Was in charge of multinational sutaff education at noma’s first overseas resutrauran
- Was a flight attendant of ANA with top solving number of trouble related with foreign passengers
- “Education for building a global organization and support for in-house education” was adopted as a public support education in Japan and announced as a successful case.
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/makiko-hirano-kizunaglobal/
Organized by MBDGs Japan