Report: Pitch Contest for Youth!!
The Pitch Contest was held on 16Jul at DICT University. 4 finalists were awarded from White Page International, DICT University, and MBDGs, and got great opportunities of networking and future collaboration. Three out of four finalists are the students of a management university, and one is of a high-school. It was a great moment to see the wonderful Visions of the young people!!
The contest started with a wonderful speech of the representative of White Page International (UK), named Mr. Sarmad Zargar. We really appreciate their support and wonderful speech to encourage the passionate students who have great Vision to make our world a better place.

The first pitch was by two members from SAKURA Tempesta which is the team participating the Robot World Contest as a representative of Japan. Yuki Terasaki is an university student and a graduates of this organization, who is now a manager. Issin Ryu is a high school student. The audience was amazed at their sense of purpose of what they want the members of junior and high-school to experience and how they want make an impact on the society.

One of the reasons why they applied for this contest is that they wanted to make a challenge to make a speech in English, because though their experiences of participating world size contest, they are well recognized that they need to be confident at this. Actually, their English presentation was perfect and well-prepared. They have no experiences abroad, but it was like a TEDx of youth!!

The second finalist was Hijiri Kubo who is an university student leaning management. Her Vision was full of energy and love, and born from the experiences she had tough time facing and developing her mind when she was in high school. Her business idea was very original!!

The last finalist was Ryoken Shinohara who is also an university student learning management. He made a pitch not by using slides but by his passion and singing. He told his life and a wonderful Vision!! Everybody was listing his speech with rapt attention. It was very simple and something moving our hearts.

All the finalists were awarded for their achievement at the end.

The attended advisors were a serial entrepreneur, music producer, high school teacher teaching for entrepreneurship course, career consultant for students, and the graduates from MBA School of Hosei University.

MBDGs has 6 goals to enhance the sustainability of SDGs literally, and the 6th is to support the next generation. This first event was realized by being supported by DICT University and his team.
MBDGs will expand our support for the youth all around the world by such events and further!!Don’t miss out!!