What’s MBDGs?

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What is MBDGs?
As education and business landscapes evolve, a pressing challenge remains: how to cultivate environments that prioritize not just performance but human flourishing. Traditional models often emphasize efficiency and short-term outcomes over sustainable personal and organizational growth. The Mind-Based Development Goals (MBDGs) framework provides a human-centered alternative, integrating principles of self-trust, vision development, diversity and inclusion, cooperativeness, growth cycles, and intergenerational sustainability. This chapter presents MBDGs as a transformative model for embedding flourishing in education and business, aligning with broader goals of sustainable development and ethical leadership.
This education was created by a lecturer who struggled with the gap between the reality of Japanese education and the ideal for the next generation who will achieve SDGs.
Theoretical Background
MBDGs is grounded in an interdisciplinary foundation that includes Aristotle’s concept of eudaimonia, modern positive psychology (Seligman, 2011), self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), and the growth mindset approach (Dweck, 2006). Additionally, transformative learning theory (Mezirow, 1997) and contemporary perspectives on diversity and inclusion (Neff, 2011; Edmondson, 1999) provide critical insights into how personal development and systemic change are interconnected. These theoretical perspectives highlight the importance of self-awareness, ethical decision-making, and collaborative learning as essential components of flourishing.

The adoption of MBDGs has the potential to address critical gaps in existing educational approaches that, while effective in mobilizing young people, often lack sustainability. By enhancing both personal and professional well-being, MBDGs contribute to systemic flourishing, offering a structured method for embedding ethical leadership and inclusive practices. Furthermore, by fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, MBDGs bridge the divide between educational policies and business strategies, promoting a more holistic approach to development. Long-term sustainability is further reinforced by integrating moral and ethical considerations into institutional frameworks.
Awarded by Awarding Organizations
MBDGs’ educational challenges have been approved as Revolutionary Leadership in Education by some awarding organization, and the advocate was awarded some awards.
- Global Leadership Award 2024 @ awarded at House Of Lords in London

- Outstanding Leadership Award 2023 Education 2.0

- Asia’s 100 Women Power Leaders 2023 White Page International

- MBDGs advocate is a speaker and contents advisor of international education conferences

- Delivering the idea of what is the true sustainability of mind fundamental education.

- CIO TIMES selected the advocate as “5 Rising Leader in Education to Watch in 2023”
- Also has been nominated for “Influential Leadership in Education Award” by HEaL 2024 in Las Vegas
6 Goals

The MBDGs framework consists of six interconnected goals. First, Self-Establishment focuses on cultivating self-trust and awareness and awareness based on solid awareness of self-existence value as the foundation for ethical decision-making and sustainable motivation springing up from inside. This well-established foundation leads to the smoothness of developing awareness in the following goals. Second, Vision Development encourages purpose-driven leadership that aligns personal and societal well-being. Third, Diversity and Inclusion fosters a natural willingness to respect and integrate diverse perspectives. Fourth, Cooperativeness enhances collaboration and psychological safety within organizations and institutions. Fifth, Growth Cycle emphasizes adaptive learning through self-reflection and continuous improvement. Finally, For the Next Generation ensures sustainability by embedding knowledge transfer and ethical leadership into institutional structures. These goals collectively provide a structured framework that can be applied across educational and business settings, supporting curriculum design, leadership training, and corporate culture development.
Establish self-awareness by self-understanding, self-approval, and self-reliant. The goal is to be aware or remember own value and possibilities, and to love and care oneself.
Have a vision and vision-based actions, if one wants to. Vision contains the happiness of others’ too. This can be born from self-awareness established to a certain level.
Goal.3|Diversity and Inclusion
The mind or love to accept and value others can be born only from stable self-awareness well-established by Goal1. Also, the mind and actions to support others’ visions can be born from Goal1 and 2. Self-reliant mind can value and trust others or other’s values, and this make Diversity and Inclusion achieved at a high level sustainably. Also, cross-cultural understanding can be achieved on the basis of understanding own culture.
Cooperativeness with no stress and positive communication can be born from the mind well-established by Goal1-3.
Goal.5|Grow Cycle
Get oneself in a Grow-Cycle by self-questioning habit and finding causes in oneself. This cycle is gainable by well-established mind.
Goal.6|For the next generation
Support the next generation to find their way and achieve SDGs.

People who are in a state where diversity can come and go freely, and acceptance and love are widespread are more likely to make a good use of their abilities. We believe that when buried individuality and neglected abilities are put to use, a society that is easy for everyone to live in will be born.
In order to develop a sustainable society, we believe that it is important to spread activities and businesses with an essence of the mind born from the six goals. “Accepting and supporting others” can only be achieved stably with the mind established by the six goals. For those who are aware of their value and potential, understanding and accepting others is quite natural.
What can be solved if the 6 goals are achieved?

MBDGs mind education can solve…
- the acts that don’t value oneself or the mind which can’t believe oneself.(Self-Establish)
- the feeling that “I can’t find out why I was born.”(Vision)
- the acts to offend others or pull other’s feet.(D&I)
- the acts not thinking about others.(Cooperativeness)
- suffering setback and focusing on only blaming people or society.(Grow-Cycle)
- young people not getting excited about becoming grownups.(For the next generation)
MBDGs aim to be a help to solve the problems caused by unstable self-establishment, such as…
- A society with low acceptance for others
- Young people’s low motivation about career and lack of social participation
- Regional resistance to the acceptance foreigners and coexistence with foreigners
- Motivation of workers that doesn’t reflect the good results of work environment reform
- Accepting diversity with knowledge alone
- The constitution of organizations that do not fully utilize diversity, such as foreign human resources
- Increasing number of suicides
Foundation of the mind established by MBDGs.

What is built through MBDGs mind education based on the six goals is an important “mind foundation” for human resources who support sustainable development. If the mind foundation is built to a certain level, people can make the good use of their skills, abilities, information, network, and so. It is just like that if the ground condition is enough solid, even a big building can be built on it. Solid ground is the mind foundation, and the big building is the skills or abilities. To maximize the effects of using skills or abilities, well-established mind foundation is vital.
Relationships of SDG, ESD, and MBDGs.
About the relationships with SDG, ESD(Education for Sustainable Development), and MBDGs.
SDGs can be achieved by people.
People can gain the abilities to achieve it by ESD education.
ESD can be effective by positiveness of people.
Positiveness can be born from the mind.
Mind can be established by MBDGs mind education.

ESD is to gain abilities, and MBDGs is to establish the mind to gain abilities effectively.

ESD educational trials such as valuing others, relating each other, communication, or D&I, can’t always turn to success. One of the reasons is the foundation is skipped, and cram knowledges or take actions only.
Stable Positiveness and creativity
Improving the HR system or working environment are not the only way to boost the workers’ positiveness or satisfaction. In order to increase productivity, it is necessary to establish the mind of each individual.
The graph below shows the workers’ motivation didn’t reflect the good results of working environment reform in Japan.

Stable positiveness or creativity can last only when they are born from the mind.
Now that sustainable development has begun to be emphasized around the world, the mind conditions of the human resources who support it will become even more important. MBDGs education supports the systematic mind establishment of those who support the SDGs.
MBDGs Vision

The vision of MBDGs is “A world created by self-reliant people” with the states below.
1.Many people around the world…
・accept oneself and value one’s worth,
・be aware of own value and possibilities,
・and have a vision if they want to.
2.Above leads to…
・accept others and value others’ value,
・can trust others’ value and possibilities also,
・and can support others’ vision.
3.Above leads to the society where…
・diversity come and go freely,
・many people make the good use of their abilities,
・acceptance of others and love to others are spreading,
・and conflictions turns to co-creation, co-existence and co-prosperity.

Make human resource mind education that springs up independence and positiveness that creates self-trust a common sense for education.
- Educational activities worldwide
- Certified MBDGs trainers deliver education Independently
- Establish an educational fund to support mind education throughout the world
MBDGs activities

(1)Deliver education and educational support worldwide
①Deliver education and educational supports worldwide
②Deliver workshops or seminars for educators and students.
③Deliver Cross-cultural understanding and communication seminars (in Japan)
(2)Train trainers
①For educators in schools or companies
②Train senior trainers who train trainers
③Can start MBDGs workshops after taking the trainer’s course and passed the final exam
④Join the worldwide trainer’s community
(3)Worldwide Community
・Join Facebook group to share information and communicate
(4)Support the next generation
・Hold vision events in the future
Who take education?
People who take MBDGs workshops or seminar are…
・the next generation at schools
・employees at companies
・citizens at local
Who deliver MBDGs workshops or seminars?
People who deliver MBDGs as a certified trainers are…
・educators at schools
・employees in charge of staff education at companies
・local trainers at local

Differences from general mind education.
Self-establishment education
For example, if people are trying to bring out the independence or positiveness of young people or employees, do you ever see such a scene?
- The establishment of independence or positiveness is based on the principle of becoming proactive and taking actions.
- In order to increase self-esteem, the methodology is to increase self-usefulness awareness (useful to others) and the accumulation of successful experiences.
- It omits the most fundamental requirement, self-existence awareness.
- Trainers who have not established their own mind foundation, are making it impossible to interact effectively with young people and employees.
As a result,
- Positiveness that has been gained temporarily to meet others’ expectation keeps them away from sustainable growth and self-reliant mind.
- Increasing the amount of action does not proportion to the increase in motivation.
Vision education
Or, for example, if people are trying to elicit vision awareness and action from young people or employees, do you ever see something like this?
- The methodology of fostering vision awareness is said to have a vision and goal.
- A tendency to value a vision that wishes for the happiness of others as “good”
- Vision achievement is based on goal setting and action planning only.
As a result,
- Vision harassment moves the young away from visions or dreams.
- Fabricated and impromptu visions have become the standard in the organization.
- Setting goals and taking action reassures them, and ultimately not motivates them because their fundamental minds are left behind.
This kind of misunderstanding of methodology can also be seen in D&I and Cooperativeness education.
Methodological misunderstanding
Misunderstandings of methodologies have not been emphasized in education until now. However, there is a need to pursue the “sustainability” of the growth and achievements of the human resources themselves who support the development of society. The essence of mind education needs to be emphasized more from now on for the better future.
For example,
- The “way to utilize” the feature of good singing is “to become a singer”. As a result, those who listen to it are delighted.
- The “way to utilize” positiveness or independence is to “take proactive action”. As a result, the results are more sustainable.
Seen from the opposite side.
- I become a singer because I want to delight people with my songs. The result is divided into two. If I sing well, I can. If I ‘m bad at singing, I can’t.
The essence is whether I’m good at singing or not in the first place.

See in the case of positiveness.
- I want to produce sustainable results, so I take proactive actions. The results are divided into two. If I have independence and positiveness, it will work. If I don’t have them, good results won’t last.
Do I have independence or positiveness in the first place? This is the essence. The same goes for vision, D&I, and Cooperativeness.

Independence or positiveness are not something that can be acquired from outside, but something comes out from inside. Because it comes out like hot spring, it is sustainable and stable. Appropriate and systematized way to build such a stable mind foundation is MBDGs education.
MBDGs are activities that want to accelerate the educational trend of pursuing the growth of human resources themselves and the “sustainability” of results.
Social background of Japan where MBDGs was born
Why MBDGs was born in Japan is related with social background of Japan. Here is the research results about Attitudes of young Japanese people from the Perspective of International Comparison Compared to other countries, young people in Japan have lower self-satisfaction, self-efficacy and affirmation regardless of Japan’s growth in technology. This is thought to be due to the “lack of self-analysis, awareness of looking at the negative, and lack of self-approval” among Japan, not only among young people.
Attitudes of Young Japanese people from the Perspective of International Comparison
Compared to other countries, young people in Japan have lower self-satisfaction, self-efficacy and affirmation. This is thought to be due to the “lack of self-analysis, awareness of looking at the negative, and lack of self-approval” among Japan not only young people.
Question 1: “Are you satisfied with yourself?”

Question 2: “Do you think you have strengths?”

There is also a low sense of participation in society and the ability to respond to different cultures, which is thought to be due to the “low sense of ownership and acceptance of others” among Japanese people, both young and grownups.
Question 3: “Do you want to be involved in making society better?”

Question 4: “Do you think you have the ability to understand and respond to different cultures?”

Some believe that low self-esteem is caused by the way parents’ raising (lack of affection), but according to a survey by the Cabinet Office, young people in Japan feel affection from their parents.
Question: “Are you loved by your parents?”

According to the Cabinet Office’s survey conclusions, “Support from families, schools, and communities as one will lead to children and young people becoming aware of their relationship with society and fostering a sense of self-affirmation, thereby contributing to having bright hopes for the future.”
In other words, it is important for young people, their families, schools, and communities to understand the importance of well-established mind, and the way to support them, and to have the habit of acquiring self-affirmation. Everything is not about how to educate young people, but how everybody in the society is to be.
And, as mentioned above, self-affirmation (awareness of one’s own value and potential through self-understanding and self-approval) is not always obtained by increasing independent action, self-usefulness, or success experiences. It is important to take an appropriate approach based on the establishment of mind.
Lectures for trainers
Trainer’s course
③Diversity and Inclusion
⑤Cross-Cultural understanding
⑥Senior trainer( recommended by MBDGs organization)
Workshops for everybody

Tangible results
Example1:Students of Business and Management University
4 months workshop for students leaning and starting business showed a remarkable effects.
Please check the full report from below.
Example2:Students of Highschool majoring Entrepreneurship course
A high school teacher named Me. Shuhei Miyasaka took a course of MBDGs’ trainer and started incorporating the program into his classes of entrepreneurship course at his school. Here is his feedbacks after the first activity using the curriculum of MBDGs.
“We have incorporated the educational elements of MBDGs into PBL, which is one of our entrepreneurship course programs and works on regional revitalization. A few months have passed, and we are now learning how many of our students have improved their proactiveness, the recognition of others, and their self-confidence. Now we can see a bright change.”

Example3:Regional Project in Kenya incorporates MBDGs
The organization supporting youth named GACA CBO in Kenya incorporates MBDGs as its first step of all the activity. The founder says as following.
“The Limited resources/opportunities require us to Train our minds so as to have a stable ,and an analytical mindset. Solid Mind Foundation holistically enhances our productivity even at our work stations. I urge us to embrace MIND EDUCATION as an educational curriculum and culture in our societies.”

Example4:Robocon World Tournament Japan Team incorporates MBDGs for training teen members
As a representative of Japan, a team named SAKURA Tempesta has attended the Robot World Youth Championship FRC several times, and they now incorporate MBDGs in the training program for their teen members as they are expanding their activities.
They started their activities in 2017 at Chiba Institute of Technology University. Sakura puts importance not only on the robot itself but on the mind development of the members through the process. Their organization is sponsored by some companies that understand how socially meaningful their activities are.
One of the mentors of Sakura named Yuki used to be a member here and he is now devoting himself to helping the younger members and managing the organization. Why he still works for Sakura even after he graduated from here is because he is convinced that teenagers can become confident, trust themselves, and get strength to challenge through the experiences at Sakura.
Sakura is now on the stage of expanding their reach and contribution to the next generation. To achieve this, they think they need education which truly helps the members to build their minds rather than technical or communication training alone. The mentor are convinced that the members can improve their performance or any skills so long as they have a stronger mind basis and it should be the priority for sustainability.
This is a great honor for MBDGs to be delivered to such a great team. And I personally am glad that Yuki who has been taking MBDGs lectures for 4 months decided to incorporate it in Sakura.
The operation of a Robocon Youth team in Japan is extremely demanding. Most teams are forced to end the activities due to financial reasons. The U.S. team is supported by big sponsors like Google or NASA. Sakura has found several sponsors out of the 1,000 companies that they approached, holds events for promotion, and now they’ve been running it for six years.
Please come and see Sakura’s activities and know the society that the members are aiming for. And if you can, please financially support them.

Example5:High school that incorporates MBDGs’ seminar
◆Why this school introduced MBDGs?
- Passive communication among students (no interaction across grades and club activities)
- Students lacked independence and low motivation.
- There was unevenness in the quality of the education and passion among the teachers.
- Although the school had a policy of fostering global human resources, some teachers felt that there was a shortage of having cross-cultural exchange and English conversation classes only.
◆Start seminars for three years immediately after enrollment
Step.1 Self-Establish/Vision
Step.2 Diversity & Inclusion
Step.3 Cooperativeness & Communication
◆Changes seen in students
・Active in study and club activities
・Gratitude to those around you
・Be aware of your personality and dreams
・Be aware of your vision and goals
・Acceptance of diverse values
・I decided on a career path positively
・Support friends naturally
・I no longer blame people
・Gained the ability to express and communicate.
・I started to keep a diary.
◆Opinions and changes of teachers
・Teachers found that the biggest change is seen in career counseling with the students. Their thoughts and will are enough ready to decide their path.
・Teachers reviewed the way of involvement that draws out students’ independence, vision awareness, and cooperativeness.
・Fostered teachers’ own independence and vision awareness.
There was a change in the human resource base of each student, and as a result, the teachers were able to improve the school culture and improve expressive skills. In parallel with human resource education, this school conducts initiatives such as SDGs education, learning trips, workplace visits, and community activities.
Example6:A human resources company that incorporates MBDGs into employee education
◆Why the company introduced basic education?
As the number of foreign staff increased, the issues seen in the awareness of Japanese staff and internal communication could not be solved by cross-cultural education and communication education alone, and training staff were considering initiatives that would lead to the internal growth of the staff.
◆Revamp the training of managers and educators
Step.1 Briefing session on the purpose of reviewing education
Step.2 Self-Establish/Vision education for Japanese staff
Step.3 Diversity & Inclusion/Cross-cultural understanding education for Japanese staff
Step.4 Vision and business communication education for non-Japanese staff
◆Changes seen in employees
・Humility to review independence
・Acceptance of diverse values
・Raising awareness of vision
・Reduced blame and criticism
・We started to care for each other.
・Communication has increased
・When training for management, include the content of basic education.
・Conducted education for accepting foreign staff for Japan staff
・Review the vision of the department and the vision of all educators
1.Want to know more about MBDGs?
Please join the online seminar introducing MBDGs. Follow the events’ updates from LinkedIn.
2.Want to experience MBDGs education?
Please apply the “Quick Learn Program and Experience Demo Workshop” from LinkedIn Page.
3.Want to become a certified trainer and deliver MBDGs education?
Please apply the “Quick Learn Program and Experience Demo Workshop” from LinkedIn Page.
4.Want to follow MBDGs on SNS?
Please follow our LinkedIn Page
Two quick introduction videos
1.If you’re interested in mind fundamental education, please check out this↓(4mins)
2.If you’re interested in achieving SDGs, please check this.↓(6mins)