【The reports are coming!!】
“Home de Robot School®” by Rootbrain.Inc and MBDGs has started delivering workshop to school children. The program starts with basic mind workshop for invention, and finish with Robot making of LEGO and programing.
Rootbrain started its’ workshop 4 years ago. They have delivered so many workshops to children in Japan. However, their trainers have found that good invention is based on a good state of mind, and they started to think about how to make good mind education included in their workshop. Then, Rootbrain and MBDGs have started collaboration.
4年前から“Home de Robot School®”という子ども向けワークショップを通して、LEGOとプログラミングを組み合わせたロボット作成&発明教室を展開しているRootbrainさんのプログラムに、MBDGsのマインド基礎教育が導入されることになりました。